Friday, June 5, 2015


 Guess what we did....we went to the happiest place on Earth! Disneyland!!! The last time I went I was 5 years old and remember nothing. The girls have really wanted to go and I had kept telling them probably never because of how costly it is. I prayed about moving to UT and got a really good feeling. I am hoping for next year...(I just need Kyle to get the same feeling) He is going to finish his Masters before we go. I could wait two years if I had to. Anyway move or not I decided to make a So. Cal. bucket list and of course Disneyland made the list. Another thing I am pregnant again!!!! I really shouldn't announce it yet, but I can't help it. I'll be 9 weeks on Sun. Due date Jan. 10th (not Feb.!) Shortly after I found out is when I decided I needed to go to Disneyland before morning sickness kicked in and I didn't want to go with a big belly. The idea came Sun. decided Mon. to go and took the girls Tue. Ky didn't go (cheaper and he is not a Disneyland guy) We had so much fun and I am so glad we did it. We brought all our food because it is ridiculous how much they charge for a corn dog and my girls ate in the stroller. Since we had only one day I didn't want to waste a moment (no stopping for things like eating). It will be a great memory for me and hopefully Kylie will remember something. It seriously was so fun! It was pretty busy, but not super crazy. The girls didn't complain at all about having to wait in lines. I gave them the option that they could get a treat or a small souvenir. Kylie of course chose souvenir and Mads treat. Phoebe just got snacks that I brought she didn't care. I'm a believer now. Of course we had to take pictures with the princesses. Mickey and Minnie lines were way too long and I wasn't going to waste our precious time lol. It was a long, tiring, wonderful day.


  1. Congratulations!!! It made me laugh when you said January instead of February. It must mean that this one is a boy :) I am so impressed that you took all three to Disneyland by yourself! I would not be so brave. A Master's program is exciting! Kyle should totally think about doing administration. Congratulations again!

  2. Congratulations! New babies are always exciting news! And I'm jealous you guys were able to go to Disneyland. I'd love to take the kids but plane tickets and hotels just make the price even more ridiculous. Though I have to say I'm also impressed that you tackled it alone with 3 kids. Super mom! :)

  3. I'm so jealous that you can decide you want to go to Disneyland and then just pick up and drive over there the next day! ;-) It's the best. And CONGRATS!!

  4. SO FUN!!!! So, jealous, but happy for you and the girls. Love it.

  5. Love all of the pictures. The girls are getting so big! I miss you all like crazy!
