Friday, January 4, 2013

Recap 2012

Wow what a year it has been. I don't even know where to begin. So I guess I'll start with January. If you don't know this about me I LOVE making goals for the new year. Sometimes I go a little crazy and make so many goals I don't know what to do with myself. There are just many things I want to accomplish or do in my life. Well one of my goals was to make 2012 the best year of my life so far. Not too lofty...right? I thought a lot about what would make that happen and three things came to mind. 1. We would have another baby during the year. 2. We would get a house on 15th St. in Yucaipa. and 3. Ky would get a job at Yucaipa High. I know a healthy happy family should have been enough and of course that is very important to me, but these were the things that came to mind. The beginning of the year was probably one of the worst beginnings for me. I was extremely sad, had no friends, was far away from my family and had a bad attitude. I'm not blaming anyone, but myself for this, but it was not great. I had Christmas with my family last year and sooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun. After the holidays and going back to reality was hard for me.

I made it through to March knowing my mom and dad would be visiting. I remember thinking at the beginning of March that this was way far from being the best year of my life and was ranking somewhere at the bottom. I think the worst thing was how alone I felt during the day. My parents came and it was wonderful and then they left and it was terrible:) Ky finally made me take a trip to UT in May because things weren't getting any better. That was the beginning of my turning point. I had so much fun and was able to recharge my batteries. I knew I had to change some things and get outside my comfort zone. When I got back I can't remember if it was the same month or June in I told everyone in my Relief Society what I had been feeling. The week before I broke down trying to make a comment in RS and had to leave. The next week I felt like I owed an explanation. I had NEVER done something like that before (I am a pretty private person). No one threw tomatoes at me and actually quite a few people said they had at one time or another felt the same way. It was really refreshing. After that I think we had three invites for FHE or dinner. Not that things got perfect, but there was definitely improvement.

By this point I knew we wouldn't be having a baby that year, but I did find out I was pregnant and was super excited. We put an offer on our 15th St. house in March and our offer expired in July. Right before I went to Utah in May my inlaws brought up the idea of us renting their house while my father-in-law worked temporarily in Boron, CA. At first I was like no thanks we are supposed to be in Yucaipa. Then I talked to Kira and she was like Becky why not it's only temporary and it would help you and them out. Obviously we went for it and it has been one of the best decisions we have ever made. We love Redlands and have made some really good friends. Now about the job. Ky had a good job at a charter school, but it wasn't exactly what he wanted to do and was not loving his job. One of our good friends is a Math teacher at Yucaipa High and he thought for sure there would be an opening. Before that happened an opening at Beumont High opened up, and we knew he had to go for it. We know he was meant to have the job because how it all worked out. Too many details, but it was way too easy.

Now that I have written way too much let me just recap: 1. We didn't have a baby this past year, but we will be shortly. 2. We did not get our 15th St. house (although we put another offer on it), but we did get a house in a round about way. 3. Ky did not get a job at Yucaipa High (there ended up never being an opening), but he did get one super close at a good high school. The lord works in his own way and in his own time. I know these things were all answers to my prayers and I have never been happier than I am right now. I guess you can say it has been a very bipolar year. I can say that it has been the best as well. I have learned more than I thought possible.

I wrote these things more for me too look back on. Here are a few other highlights:

- Maddie turned 1 and started to grow a little hair, teeth, and major personality. At first she would have nothing to do with nursery, but now after 4 months she at least stays in there without crying. When I talk about nursery during the week and how awesome it is she starts crying and saying no, no, no. She is good at mimicking words, but still needs a lot of work on communicating. Screaming seems to be her favorite option to get what she needs. She is so stinkn' cute that she usually get what she wants.

-Kylie turned 3 and is a great big sister and helper. She loves to help with EVERYTHING (cleaning, cooking, anything I am doing, etc.) She also took her first dance class and loved it. She is very excited for baby Phoebe to join our family and said she had a dream about her arrival. She woke up one morning and said "Mom I didn't have a bad dream I had a really good dream." I asked her what happened and she said baby Phoebe had joined our family. She was very excited about it. I asked her what she looked like and she said a baby. I then asked her if she had hair and she said no she was bald like Maddie. I couldn't help, but laugh. I guess will see when she comes out. She is very excited to be in Sunbeams now and loves her new teacher. She has a great memory and sings all the time especially when she is using the bathroom.

-Kyle is working hard and feels like a first year teacher all over again, but is enjoying the challenge. He is assistant ward clerk and over the membership. He loves having a yard to work on and things to fix. In his spare time you can find him outside.

-I have already recapped my whole year. I have had more callings in church this year then my whole life combined. I went from 13 year old sunday school teacher in Yucaipa. CTR 5 teacher in Redlands and then was called to be second counselor in the Primary Presidency. Then they changed the whole stake borders and I was called to be the Secretary in the Primary Presidency. I love it! I was kind of skeptical about being in Primary, but it has been my favorite calling!

Here is to another year that will be even better. I don't blame you if you skip this post:)


  1. I'm glad the year ended on a happier note for you! I totally get the loneliness. My year wasn't too far off from that!

  2. Sounds awesome, Beck. And just so you know it's been hard for all of us to have you so far away too. But I am glad that things are going so well for you and the fam. Also, we are all really excited to meet Phoebe

  3. Too! (Dumb blog cut me off. So annoying. Haha.)

  4. Oh man. I'm totally there right now... I had NO DESIRE to come back out here after the holidays! Hopefully I can adjust my attitude soon... because it really is miserable. ;-) Hope this year is amazing for you! (PS is it a boy or girl?!)

    1. Thanks Erin good to hear from you. We are having another girl! I hope your year gets better too. My philosophy is there must be something amazing around the corner for you. I hope you are able to find a job!

  5. I think we all go through hard times and I am glad you are able to talk about it and see the positive outcomes. Even if it was not the outcomes you had hoped for at first. I think of you often!
